Projects &
The “Preventing and Mitigating Health Effects of Migration and Violence on the Colombo-Venezuelan Border: A contribution to the Colombian Peace Process” project is an initiative developed in partnership with the DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst), under the “Partnerships for the Health Sector in Developing Countries” programme – PAGEL.
The project is conducted in two Colombian cities in the border area with Venezuela: Cucuta (700.000 inhabitants and Valledupar (470.000 inhabitants). Locally, the project is developed in partnership with the Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander in Cucuta (UFPS) and the Universidad Popular del Cesar in Valledupar (UPC).
The overall impact of this project is to improve mental and physical health for Venezuelan migrants and the Colombian recipient population in the Colombo-Venezuelan border area through a capacity building programme in the health and criminal justice system which includes the joint analysis of the magnitude, determinants and potential solutions to the main challenges with an emphasis on mutual learning.
PAGEL Bulletins from Strategy Workshops and Summer School